SP5ELA Technical Support. Ham Radio. FT-2000D
FT-2000D/E VRF Unit BR0 14800A (2000-2399)

In theory, everything is fine. With correct construction assumptions. In theory. In practice and in real live VRF Unit built into to FT-2000 transceiver (receiver's path) is one of the weaker points in the transceiver design. Why is it like that? The main reason for the weakness of this design is the use of mechanical components to switch the circuits - sixteen (16) miniature relays (OMRON G6K-2F-Y) for switching the preselector SMD capacitor array. During the 6 years of transceiver operation, the author (SP5ELA) was forced to replace the VRF module twice. The cost of FT-2000D/E VRF board is about $150 per unit. The approximate time of the order / delivery via Yaesu service is about 1 month.Tip: it's best not to use VRF, then it will not break! Do not rotate VRF knob. Do not rotate for fun and habbits! VRF theoretically has a system memory tuning / position.


VRF Unit diagram


 FT-2000 D/E block receiver diagram. VRF Module is operating for both FT-2000 receivers. You can not listen for full band, eg. 3.5 / 3.8 MHz with same signal level with VRF Module switched "on".


VRF Unit p55 man


VRF Unit p55b man

VRF Unit


VRF Unit Layaout


VRF Unit

FT-2000D/E VRF Unit photo



